Measuring Traffic Quality for B2B websites

Here's an actionable North Star metric that your Marketing can directly influence

Why you should be measuring traffic quality

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In today’s issue, we explore why 90% of marketers simply aren’t tracking leading metrics and the right north star, leaving a LOT on the table.

Let’s get straight to it —

90% of Marketers don’t do this today, and it could be the game changer

Marketing performance measurement starts with demos booked and trials. However, these are lagging metrics which Marketing cannot influence directly. One key metric which can serve as a north star for marketing teams is 'Traffic Quality'

How can you define “traffic quality”?

ICP fit traffic

The % traffic which meets your ICP criteria. This is based on Industry, Revenue Range, Employee Range and HQ Location. This could also include other filters you set for your business.


What % of the users visiting the website perform high intent actions like visiting /pricing or /docs, or initiate a chat from the website


What % of the users sufficiently engaged with the website in terms of time spent, pages viewed

💡 The core purpose here is to switch to tracking leading indicators. This also gives your teams a North Star you can directly influence.

That’s it from today’s edition!

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P.S. The next account list is a round up of the Top GEN AI companies that are making moves👀